Monday, August 07, 2006

Picture of perfection.

Picture of perfection.
Originally uploaded by honig.

Standing with Daddy's help.

Standing with Daddy's help.
Originally uploaded by honig.
I love the fact that Callum's shorts pretty much cover his whole legs. I am hoping that he isn't going to be cursed with my family's short legs, long torso thing. Nonetheless, he is perfect!

Tiddly pom.

Tiddly pom.
Originally uploaded by honig.
I couldn't resist.


Originally uploaded by honig.
The wee man was very tired, but we are determined to keep him on some sort of routine. He was watching the dogs run around the back garden like crazed maniacs, but he still doesn't look overly impressed!

Sitting with a safety net.

Sitting with a safety net.
Originally uploaded by honig.
Callum can pretty much sit on his own now, but we are always concerned that he is going to fall. He might be sitting really well for ages and then all of a sudden he topples over. When there are pillows around it's okay, but the grass would probably be a different story. He isn't very keen on the grass, much as I wasn't when I was his age, but it must be awfully prickly on that sensitive baby skin.

Creeping on Daddy.

Creeping on Daddy.
Originally uploaded by honig.
Callum loves to practise his crawling stance on our chests. I think a month from now he might be independently mobile - ack! I'm really excited about the prospect of him being able to move around, but I am a bit nervous too!