Monday, February 19, 2007

Peanut, peanut butter - jelly! NOT!

Well, it looks like a little someone called Callum has an allergy to peanuts. Needless to say, the first peanut butter and jam sandwich wasn't a great success. Within a couple of minutes of tasting the peanutty yumminess, Callum's eyes started to swell shut and he got all sorts of clear blistery type bumps on his face and torso. After a frantic call to the B.C. Nurses Line it was determined that he should be taken to the hospital immediately.

After receiving a large dose of Benadryl via needle, Callum fell asleep in my arms until it was time to go home...almost 3 hours later! It was a traumatic event for me, he didn't really seem to care until the needle got jabbed into him, and then it was over. It's funny how these things that feel so major at the time, can be moved on from.

We now carry an Epipen just in case our wee man gets some foul legume called a peanut.

Here is the wee soldier in the car on our way home from the hospital.

Uh oh.

A vegetarian who can't eat nuts...I've got some homework to do!

Over and out.


I have started a map (located at the bottom of the page) that tracks where in the World the readers are of this blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Callum! Poor Mommy too, it was probably scarier for you than him. Glad to see all the new pic's of Callum. Hope you're all keeping well. Love, Aunt Linda in Alabama.