Thursday, December 01, 2005


Originally uploaded by honig.
I have 62 days left until our due date of February 1st. There has already been speculation by friends and co-workers of an early delivery. I am feeling really good this week and seem to have grown a lot of hair, luckily only on my head :)

This picture was taken today, December 1st by Graham. Unfortunately Graham's photography skills are not the greatest, thus the fuzziness of the image - sorry!

I will try and get Lisa to take my picture and see if that goes a bit better.

Your ever round friend and family member - Allison.


Anonymous said...

Whoo Hooo!!! Now, that's a lump.

Thanks for posting (finally)!

Linds said...

Sexy glowing mama!

I'm so happy for you, Mizz Allison!