Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Rice, oatmeal and organic pears, what do these things have in common? Our wee man has had the recent opportunity to try all of these foods. The rice cereal wasn't much of a hit; he got all sorts of little bumps on his face from it. Needless to say we stopped the rice cereal in short order. The oatmeal went down well, but it's so bland that he doesn't seem to care much for it, but will accept it anyway. This crap cereal thing was all build up for the best thing ever - organic pears! Callum absolutely loves pears! I would to if I were him. Months of eating disgusting formula; Graham and I tried it and it was vile.

Today is a very hard day for me, as the Doctor has recommended letting Callum 'cry it out'. See, Callum has a really hard time sleeping and for the last (almost) 7 months I have done everything and anything I could to try and help our wee man sleep without having him cry. I have walked, rocked, glided, jiggled, swayed, nursed, picked up, put down, laid down, slept beside, shared a bed with, bounced, swung and dream fed our wee man, but nothing really worked. I would work hard for an hour and a half to get him to sleep only to have him wake up half an hour later, bawling his eyes out. I had no tricks left up my sleeve and he still wasn't sleeping. So tonight not only has Callum been crying, but I have been too. It breaks my heart to hear him cry. I'm so afraid that he is going to think I don't love him and that I have abandoned him. People I love and trust, as well as strangers and people of medical authority assure me he will still love me in the morning...we'll see. If anything happens to my wee man I will seek out all of you and annihilate you!!!

Graham recently got a new, well paying job that will likely not require as many hours of work as his job at the firms. I am going to be very happy, as will Callum, that he is going to be home more. I really want to be a proper family. The job is at a company called Cardiome and they are located on the UBC campus. It's quite the trek for Graham, but so was coming home at 3 a.m. from his current job! Cardiome's share price just rose 30% on Friday, we like to think it's because word got out that Graham got hired - ha ha!

Callum is starting swimming lessons on Monday; he's at Starfish level - I think that's so cute! I bought him Nemo swimming diapers so that he doesn't have a big ol' swollen butt from absorbing half the pool into his regular diaper. In actual fact, for health reasons I don't think he would've been allowed to wear regular diapers anyway. I will post pictures of him in the pool, but not of me in a swimsuit, don't worry!!!

Well, I best get back to crying my eyes out worrying if my son is going to ever trust me again.

Mummy, not so extraordinaire (today) - Allison.

1 comment:

Linds said...

Yummers, Pears! You can tell Callum that Linds likes pears probably just as much as he does! Try mixing a little bit of different, organic, sugar-free fruit compotes with the oatmeal and that'll mix up the flavours a bit to make it more interesting. Heck, it sounds good enough for me to eat.

Tsk, Mummy extrordinaire always. Don't fret, Pretty lady. You're wee man will be just fine. He'll get used to the fact that night time is sleep time, and mummy still loves him to bits even if she doesn't come running when he wails. Plus, he'll probably sleep in later from tiring himself out! That's always a bonus, because 6 am wake up times are not always desireable! My girlfriend had the same problem with her son, (who is now six, and knows that mummy adores him regardless of letting him belt out an opera or two when he was teeny.) He got used to the new schedule within a week and a half or so, so please, Don't worry so much dollface!

Congrats on Graham getting a new job, and more reasonable hours for work! Yay for family time!

"Starfish" level is very cute, and my mom used to tell me that I loved swimming when I was a baby. All I can picture is Callum dressed up like patrick from Spongebob. *grins*

I hope you're feeling more chipper, and I do miss hanging out with you!

muchas love
