Monday, August 29, 2005

What's in a name?

So, who knew it would be so difficult to choose a name? I remember when I was a teenager and we'd all gab about boyfriends who were 'definitely' husbands-to-be (thank goodness they weren't), we then moved on to what our children's names would be. I had this bit nailed, I knew I was going to have a girl and she was to be called Alexus. Alexus? Come on, that was so 1990. As times change so do name fads. As with my own parents I would like to strive for a name that isn't trendy; I don't want to date my child by his/her name.

Listed below is what Graham and I have come up with for potential names for our child:

Girls: Abigail, Aila, Ailsa, Amelia, Bridget, Eden, Emma, Gemma, Grear (and no, not Germaine sodding Grear!), Iona, Isla, Kenzie, Phillipa, Phoebe, Rory, Samantha, Sophie.

Boys: Alastair, Calum, Camden, Finlay, Iagan, Keane, Liam, Nigel, Rhys, Simon.

If anyone has any favourites or absolute must nots, please let us know; we are always interested in what you think - kidding! I can at least give you the impression that I care about what you are saying - kidding again! What was that saying my Mom used to say? Never a word said in jest...

McKinnoa out.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Camping trip.

Along with Lisa, Raisin and Peanut (the dogs) we set up two tents with the grace that one would expect from two inexperienced gals. Now don't get me wrong, we have been camping many times but normally the guys set the tents up for us. Last year Lisa and I decided to take a day off of work to head up to the campground before the guys. It was going to be our time to shine and have the campsite perfect for when the guys showed up after work. Unfortunately things didn't work out how we hoped last year. In fact, things went so wrong that we ended up in our little Civic with Raisin with the interior light on, tents half set up, waiting in the dark "where it was safe" until one of them showed up. This year was the redeeming year. We had both tents set up, despite the difficulty in pegging down the fly because of the rocky ground.

We must have looked quite funny struggling with the tent that was taller than either one of us. Lisa stood on her tiptoes while I tried to hold the poles - good times! I had requested a new tent this year because I didn't want to be lying down or half-humped over while trying to do anything in the tent. I figure I'm pregnant and I really thought it was a fair request, thus it was obliged. We also got a new swanky air mattress that has built-in pillows - very cool. I know it sounds a bit less like camping as I go on, but in my mind, it is camping. No, we didn't play sherpa and lug all of our goods on our backs for 10 kilometres, but it is still satisfying. In fact, this year we got a waterfront site and it was gorgeous!

Lisa and I floated around in our inflatable Homer Simpson chairs and bobbed around in our life jackets. The guys went around the lake in the dingy, holding the newest toy, the GPS device. It's quite scary how many satellites there are out there. Only the shadow knows how many...boohaahaa! Sorry, I have been listening to the Shadow on 101.1 on Sunday nights - I love radio stories.

I seem to be in a really good stage of pregnancy now. I am at 17 weeks and am feeling really great, although I can't complain about my experience thus far because it's been really great and my body has been very good to me. My days spent hove off on the floor asleep are over, my headaches are few and far between and I generally feel good. The cool thing is, I bought a pair of "early to mid-term" pregnancy pants and they are like wearing pajamas! I don't even have to do up buttons or zip a zipper, they just pull on. How am I going to go back to the slave labour of regular pants when all of this is over?!

I appreciate all of the suggestions about the what to drink (said in a Southern American drawl) issue I proposed earlier. I am going to try out the drinks suggested and let you know how they fair up.

C-I-A-B-A-double T-A
Peace out!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

I miss caffeine.

Arrive at work, turn on computer, get organic Earl Grey teabag from desk drawer, head off to lunchroom, turn on kettle, prepare mug for delicious essence of bergamot, drink tea and feel comfort. This has been my daily routine on work days since I discovered Dilmah Earl Grey tea from Sri Lanka...until now.

A while back a couple of friends and I were having a discussion about random events, during which I was making tea. I stirred the milk into the tea and Sharon claimed that the sound of the spoon clinking against the mug was a very comforting sound. What it meant to her was that someone was taking care of her. I had never thought of it that way until she mentioned it. From that day on, every time I heard that sound I felt comforted, even if I was the one making the tea.

Being pregnant has meant that my caffeine intake must be significantly less than my regular dosage. Why you ask? Caffeine is a known mutagen, which means it's a chemical substance that causes genetic mutation. Genetic mutation! I think I'll skip the caffeine train for a while; I don't want to mutate our baby! My god I'm already afraid it's going to have something horribly wrong with it. Apparently that's a very normal feeling for parents-to-be, but I wish that lingering thought would go away.

When I tried to slow down my tea drinking, which by the way was up to at least 3 cups per day, I got caffeine-withdrawal headaches. For those of you who have experienced this type of headache, you know how horrible it is. Thus, I have decided to drastically cut back on my caffeine. That means no more tea, yes I know there are uncaffeinated teas but it's just not the same. Exceptions to this cut back rule are chocolate and the occassional sip of Coke when we are having pizza.

I was completely addicted to Diet Pepsi as well, so that's been binned too. Aspartame? Definitely no good for me, nor the baby.

I have moved on to drinking an obscene amount of Perrier with lemon. It's the closest thing I have been able to find that will replace my obscene addiction to Diet Pepsi. For a while I was drinking full calorie pop but that's not a good idea either because I don't want to gain any unnecessary weight, nor do I want to get gestational diabetes. Of course the issue with Perrier is that it's costing me about $1.50 per day, but I figure it's better than the other options. I really can't drink just tap water all day everyday, it's boring.

Any suggestions for yummy, thirst quenching, low-calorie, uncaffeinated, aspartame-free drinks?

- Allison

Monday, August 08, 2005

Cheese bread!

For approximately a month and a half now I have been craving white bread with chunks of cheddar cheese in it. I remember ages ago having it from Safeway, or so I thought. I must have searched several grocery stores, bakeries and anywhere else I passed that sold bread...nothing, until today. I stopped into the 'new' Safeway on my way home and lo and behold, there it was! I had just finished telling Lisa that I was soon going to have to commission someone to make this bread for me or I was going to go crazy. As soon as I got home I munched away on a few slices and now the craving is gone - woo hoo!

This morning I went to see Dr. Lemke for a full physical. For those women reading this, you know what a horribly embarrassing situation this can be. I was welcomed into the Doctor's office with the big smiles that I normally am...and the urine sample cup. I was frantically drinking water on my way to the office because I feared I wouldn't be able to 'go'. Next I got weighed...I wasn't best pleased with the number! I knew I was going to get ushered into the exam room soon and I managed to break a sweat in a highly air-conditioned office!

I had to put on a paper gown and "...try to relax" while I waited for Dr. Lemke. By the time he got in the exam room I was drenched with sweat. I had worked myself up to the point where I thought I was going to pass out, all for the sake of not wanting a Pap test - again, what a dork! As Dr. Lemke was giving me a breast exam he decided to ask me whether or not I would be breast feeding. I still don't know if I'm going to because I have some reservations about it. See, I'm having a hard time getting past the fact that my (and most women's) breasts have been looked upon as sexual objects since they started budding. Now all of a sudden I'm supposed to say, "Okay, it's time for dinner" and whip out my breast like it's a food source. I found it very difficult to explain this to him as he was kneading away at my breasts...

My blood pressure is spot on, so that's good. I heard the baby's heartbeat again, this time it was much easier to find than before. I guess because the baby is quite a bit bigger than last time; again it was a strong beat. I am 15 weeks now and I am still feeling really good, I hope this continues for the duration of the pregnancy.

There are three of us in the same proximity in the office that are all pregnant now, so all of the single gals are afraid to come over to talk...just in case it's contagious!

McKinnon out!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


I started pre-natal yoga today and it was great! All of the women in the class looked so cute in their yoga pants and little t-shirts. Most of the women were later in their term than I am, in fact, some women looked like they may give birth at any moment!

The class isn't overly vigorous because, quite frankly, it's hard to do yoga with a bump out the front. The mega-pregnant ladies were totally inspirational though. They were downward-dogging it like they had a pillow stuffed in their shirts, rather than a multi-pound baby.

I decided to buy a racer-back yoga shirt with a built-in bra because I thought it would be less stressful than having to adjust my bra straps all the time. I reflected on that silly thought when my right boob popped out of my 'convenient' yoga top! I over-estimated the size of top I would need and therefore it wasn't fitted enough, so dammit if it didn't pop out during my downward facing dog! I was totally mortified but then quickly realized that the women in this class had been through it all before and they didn't give a toss about my exposed breast...thank goodness!

I'm looking forward to continuing on with my yoga my new and SMALLER yoga top!

Peace out.