Tuesday, August 02, 2005


I started pre-natal yoga today and it was great! All of the women in the class looked so cute in their yoga pants and little t-shirts. Most of the women were later in their term than I am, in fact, some women looked like they may give birth at any moment!

The class isn't overly vigorous because, quite frankly, it's hard to do yoga with a bump out the front. The mega-pregnant ladies were totally inspirational though. They were downward-dogging it like they had a pillow stuffed in their shirts, rather than a multi-pound baby.

I decided to buy a racer-back yoga shirt with a built-in bra because I thought it would be less stressful than having to adjust my bra straps all the time. I reflected on that silly thought when my right boob popped out of my 'convenient' yoga top! I over-estimated the size of top I would need and therefore it wasn't fitted enough, so dammit if it didn't pop out during my downward facing dog! I was totally mortified but then quickly realized that the women in this class had been through it all before and they didn't give a toss about my exposed breast...thank goodness!

I'm looking forward to continuing on with my yoga classes...in my new and SMALLER yoga top!

Peace out.


Anonymous said...

That's pretty funny.

Linds said...

That's REALLY funny. Hee hee.