Monday, August 29, 2005

What's in a name?

So, who knew it would be so difficult to choose a name? I remember when I was a teenager and we'd all gab about boyfriends who were 'definitely' husbands-to-be (thank goodness they weren't), we then moved on to what our children's names would be. I had this bit nailed, I knew I was going to have a girl and she was to be called Alexus. Alexus? Come on, that was so 1990. As times change so do name fads. As with my own parents I would like to strive for a name that isn't trendy; I don't want to date my child by his/her name.

Listed below is what Graham and I have come up with for potential names for our child:

Girls: Abigail, Aila, Ailsa, Amelia, Bridget, Eden, Emma, Gemma, Grear (and no, not Germaine sodding Grear!), Iona, Isla, Kenzie, Phillipa, Phoebe, Rory, Samantha, Sophie.

Boys: Alastair, Calum, Camden, Finlay, Iagan, Keane, Liam, Nigel, Rhys, Simon.

If anyone has any favourites or absolute must nots, please let us know; we are always interested in what you think - kidding! I can at least give you the impression that I care about what you are saying - kidding again! What was that saying my Mom used to say? Never a word said in jest...

McKinnoa out.


Anonymous said...

How's about Spongebob?

Orion_skie said...

I love Phoebe! I chose it for my SCA name and it's something that I don't think is too common.

Anonymous said...

I'm too scared at that last paragraph to give any suggestions.

Pregnancy hormones?

I'm sure whatever you and Graham choose for your baby's name will be fine. The ones you listed are great!

Linds said...

My deceased twin sister's name was Abigail. I think it's pretty.

Anonymous said...

I like Calum, but don't do Nigel, wasn't there some awful song.......
waiting for Nigel?
